Build Your Own Custom ChatGPT: Easy Steps & Profitable Tips

Ammar Mukhtar
17 min readNov 22, 2023


OpenAI Build Your Own Custom ChatGPT

Did you know that 80% of online conversations are now generated by artificial intelligence? With the introduction of OpenAI’s new ChatGPT feature, creating your own customized conversational AI has never been easier or more lucrative. Whether you’re a content creator, business owner, or simply someone looking to explore the possibilities of AI-driven dialogue, this article is your ultimate guide to crafting a unique and profitable GPT.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to enter the world of conversation starters and unlock the potential of ChatGPT. We’ll provide clear instructions on how to create your custom GPT model, ensuring that it stands out from the rest. From choosing a company name for your AI persona to incorporating relevant sources of information, we’ve got you covered. So buckle up and get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the realm of AI-powered dialogue.

What are GPTs?

Log in to your OpenAI account

To get started with creating your own custom ChatGPT, the first step is to log in to your OpenAI account. This will grant you access to all the necessary tools and features. Simply navigate to the login page and enter your credentials. If you encounter any issues during the login process, don’t worry! OpenAI provides troubleshooting tips to help you resolve any problems that may arise.

Configure and Save Your GPT

Once you’ve successfully logged in, it’s time to configure and save your very own GPT. OpenAI allows you to personalize and customize the behavior of your chatbot, making it unique and tailored to your specific needs. You can adjust settings such as response length, temperature (which controls randomness), and more.

Saving options are also available for preserving your GPT configurations. This allows you to revisit and make further adjustments if needed without losing any progress or changes made. Saving regularly ensures that you have a backup of your custom GPT at different stages of development.

Share Your Custom GPT

Sharing is caring, especially. This opens up collaborative possibilities where others can interact with and benefit from the chatbot’s unique abilities.

However, it’s important to consider privacy while sharing your custom GPT. Make sure that sensitive information or personal data is not exposed unintentionally during this process. OpenAI offers guidance on how best to share while maintaining privacy standards.

How to Edit Your Custom Chatbot

Creating a custom chatbot doesn’t end with its initial configuration; there’s always room for improvement! OpenAI makes it easy for you to edit and refine existing configurations based on user feedback or evolving requirements.

To edit your custom chatbot, simply follow these steps:

  1. Access your OpenAI account and navigate to the chatbot configuration section.

Tips to make your GPT unique and profitable

Strategies for Adding Distinctive Traits

To make your GPT stand out from other chatbots, it’s crucial to add distinctive traits that set it apart. One strategy is to focus on developing a unique personality for your chatbot. Think about the tone, language, and style of communication you want your GPT to have. For example, if you’re creating a chatbot for a fashion brand, you might want it to have a trendy and upbeat personality.

Another way to differentiate your GPT is by incorporating specialized knowledge or expertise. By training your model on specific topics or industries, you can provide more accurate and insightful responses tailored to those areas. This can be particularly valuable in niche markets where customers are looking for highly targeted information.

Maximizing Monetization Opportunities

Creating a customized GPT also opens up opportunities for monetization. One effective method is through partnerships with brands or businesses relevant to your chatbot’s domain. For instance, if your GPT specializes in providing travel recommendations, partnering with airlines or hotels could lead to sponsored content or affiliate marketing arrangements.

Consider implementing premium features or subscription models that offer enhanced functionality or exclusive content for users willing to pay. This can help generate recurring revenue streams while providing added value to your audience.

Leveraging Niche Markets for Profitability

One key aspect of making your GPT profitable is identifying and leveraging niche markets. Instead of targeting broad topics that already have numerous competitors in the market, focus on specific industries or interests where there is less competition but still significant demand.

For example, rather than creating a general-purpose customer service chatbot, consider developing one specifically designed for the healthcare industry. By catering to the unique needs and challenges faced by healthcare professionals and patients, you can position yourself as an expert in that field and attract clients who are willing to pay a premium for specialized assistance.

Building your own GPT chatbot without coding

These platforms or software options simplify the process and offer several advantages compared to traditional development methods.

Exploring user-friendly tools

There are various user-friendly tools available that allow you to create a GPT chatbot without any coding skills. These tools provide intuitive interfaces and step-by-step guides, making it easy for beginners to get started. Some popular options include:

  1. ChatGPT Playground: OpenAI’s ChatGPT Playground is a web-based platform that allows users to interact with and train their own chatbots. It offers a simple interface where you can input prompts and receive responses from the model.
  2. Botpress: Botpress is an open-source platform that enables you to build, deploy, and manage chatbots without writing any code. It provides a visual flow editor that allows you to design conversational flows easily.
  3. Dialogflow: Dialogflow by Google Cloud is a powerful tool for building conversational agents using natural language understanding (NLU). It offers a drag-and-drop interface and supports integration with various messaging platforms.

Platforms or software options

These non-coding methods of creating GPT chatbots come with their own set of advantages over traditional development approaches:

  1. Ease of use: User-friendly tools eliminate the need for complex programming languages or technical expertise, allowing anyone with basic computer skills to create their own chatbot.
  2. Time-saving: By leveraging pre-built templates, libraries, and drag-and-drop features, non-coding methods significantly reduce the time required for developing a functional chatbot.
  3. Cost-effective: Traditional development often involves hiring developers or investing in specialized software. Non-coding methods eliminate these expenses as they are often available at little or no cost.
  4. Flexibility

How to get access to OpenAI’s new GPTs

To create your own GPT with the new ChatGPT feature, you need to follow a few steps. Let’s dive in and explore how you can gain access to OpenAI’s latest generation models.

Steps for Gaining Access

  1. Sign up for OpenAI: Start by visiting the OpenAI website and signing up for an account. This will give you access to their platform and allow you to explore the various features they offer.
  2. Subscribe to a plan: OpenAI offers different subscription plans that provide access to their advanced AI technologies. Choose the plan that suits your needs and budget. Make sure to check if the new ChatGPT feature is included in your selected plan.
  3. Upgrade your subscription: If you’re already an existing user of OpenAI, check if the new ChatGPT feature is available as part of your current subscription plan. If not, consider upgrading to a higher-tier plan or adding it as an additional feature.
  4. Join the waitlist: In case there are limitations on immediate availability, join the waitlist for early access or updates on when the new features will be accessible.

Subscription Plans and Pricing Details

OpenAI provides different subscription plans tailored to meet diverse requirements:

  • Free trial: OpenAI offers a free trial period where users can test out their services and get familiar with their offerings.
  • Pay-as-you-go: This option allows users flexibility in usage without any long-term commitment.
  • Subscription plans: For those who require regular usage, there are monthly or annual subscription plans available at competitive prices.

Pricing details may vary depending on factors like usage volume, features included, and support options provided by OpenAI. It’s essential to review these details thoroughly before making a decision.

Benefits of Using Cutting-edge AI Technology

Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, like OpenAI’s GPT models, in conversation models can bring several benefits:

  • **

The future of AI: The App Store for AI

Insights into OpenAI’s Vision for an AI Marketplace

OpenAI has set its sights on creating an AI marketplace, envisioning a future where developers can create and sell their own AI applications. This marketplace, often referred to as the “App Store for AI,” aims to democratize access to artificial intelligence technology and open up new opportunities for innovation. With this vision in mind, OpenAI seeks to empower developers and entrepreneurs to build unique and profitable AI experiences.

The concept of an AI marketplace holds immense potential. It allows developers to tap into a vast ecosystem of pre-trained models like GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) provided by OpenAI. These models serve as the foundation upon which developers can build their own custom applications tailored to specific use cases. By leveraging these pre-existing models, developers can save time and resources while focusing on adding value through customization and unique features.

Potential Opportunities and Challenges in an AI App Store Model

The advent of an AI App Store brings about exciting opportunities for both developers and users alike. Developers have the chance to monetize their expertise by creating specialized applications that cater to various industries or niches. They can offer solutions ranging from customer service chatbots to virtual personal assistants, revolutionizing how businesses operate.

For users, the benefits are equally enticing. Accessible via a user-friendly interface, the marketplace enables individuals and organizations with limited technical knowledge or resources to harness the power of advanced AI technologies effortlessly. From enhancing productivity through smart automation tools to improving decision-making with intelligent data analysis, the possibilities are vast.

However, along with these opportunities come certain challenges that must be addressed. One major concern is ensuring that the marketplace maintains high-quality standards for applications available on its platform. Striking a balance between allowing innovation while preventing malicious or low-quality apps will be crucial in building trust among users.

Combining Custom Instructions and Plugins with GPTs

Integrating custom instructions into your GPT chatbot

To create a unique and profitable GPT chatbot, it’s essential to integrate custom instructions. These instructions act as guidelines for the AI model, directing its responses based on specific requirements. By providing clear instructions, you can ensure that the generated responses align with your desired outcomes.

Custom instructions allow you to tailor the behavior of your GPT chatbot according to your needs. For instance, if you’re developing a customer support chatbot, you can instruct it to prioritize empathy and provide helpful solutions. On the other hand, if you’re creating a storytelling chatbot, you can guide it to generate engaging narratives.

Exploring the benefits of using plugins to enhance functionality

Plugins are additional tools or software components that can be integrated into your GPT chatbot to enhance its functionality. They offer various features and capabilities that can make your chatbot more interactive and user-friendly.

By leveraging plugins, you can expand the capabilities of your GPT chatbot beyond its default functionalities. For example, you could incorporate a translation plugin that allows users to interact with the chatbot in different languages. This would broaden your audience reach and make your chatbot more accessible globally.

Plugins also enable integration with external services such as databases or APIs, allowing your GPT chatbot to fetch real-time information or perform specific tasks seamlessly. This integration opens up endless possibilities for creating personalized experiences and delivering valuable services through your chatbot.

Examples of plugins that can be combined with custom GPTs

There is an array of plugins available that can be combined with custom GPTs to enhance their performance and versatility:

  • Sentiment Analysis Plugin: This plugin analyzes user input sentiment and enables the chatbot to respond accordingly. It helps in understanding user emotions better and tailoring appropriate responses.
  • Speech-to-Text Plugin

Sharing and sharing options for custom GPTs

In the previous section, we discussed how to combine custom instructions and plugins with GPTs to create a unique chatbot experience. Now, let’s dive into the exciting world of sharing your customized GPT chatbot and explore the different options available.

Different Methods for Sharing Your Customized GPT Chatbot

You have several methods at your disposal. Here are some popular ways to share your creation:

  1. Shared Access: One option is to provide shared access to your custom GPT chatbot. This means granting others permission to interact with and use your bot. It can be an excellent way to showcase your creation or collaborate with others on specific projects.
  2. API Integration: Another method is integrating your custom GPT chatbot into an application or platform using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). APIs allow different software systems to communicate with each other seamlessly. By leveraging APIs, you can extend the functionality of your bot and make it accessible through various platforms.
  3. Public Deployment: If you want maximum exposure for your custom GPT chatbot, consider deploying it publicly. This means making it available for anyone on the internet to interact with and use. Public deployment can help you reach a wider audience and gather valuable feedback from users.

Collaborative Possibilities Through Shared Access or APIs

Sharing access or integrating via APIs opens up exciting collaborative possibilities for your custom GPT chatbot:

  1. Collaborative Creation: Shared access allows multiple individuals or teams to work together on refining and enhancing the capabilities of a custom GPT chatbot. It fosters collaboration, enabling experts in different domains to contribute their expertise and improve the overall performance of the bot.
  2. Building Ecosystems: By providing API integration options, you encourage developers and entrepreneurs to build upon your custom GPT chatbot.

Limitations on making custom GPTs and reasons behind them

Constraints on Creating Custom GPTs

Creating your own GPT using the new ChatGPT feature may sound exciting, but it’s important to be aware of the limitations that come with it. OpenAI has imposed certain constraints to ensure ethical use and prevent potential misuse.

OpenAI’s Considerations Regarding Limitations

OpenAI has put a lot of thought into these limitations. They have taken several factors into account to strike a balance between empowering users and safeguarding against harmful consequences. Let’s delve into some insights behind their decision-making process.

Reasons Behind Limitations for Ethical Use and Prevention of Misuse

There are valid reasons behind these limitations. OpenAI aims to maintain ethical standards in AI development and usage, while also protecting users from potential risks. Here are a few key reasons why these restrictions exist:

  1. Preventing Malicious Use: By placing constraints on custom GPT creation, OpenAI aims to prevent any malicious use that could lead to misinformation, spamming, or other harmful activities. This ensures that the technology is used responsibly.
  2. Avoiding Bias Amplification: Language models like GPT can sometimes unintentionally amplify biases present in the training data they are exposed to. By limiting customization options, OpenAI can mitigate the risk of exacerbating biases or spreading harmful content.
  3. Maintaining Quality Standards: OpenAI wants to ensure that the outputs generated by custom GPTs meet high-quality standards. By controlling customization options, they can maintain consistency and reliability in the results produced by their models.
  4. Protecting Privacy and Security: Customization features could potentially compromise user privacy or expose sensitive information if misused. The limitations help safeguard user data and maintain security measures.
  5. Promoting Fair Access: Implementing restrictions prevents a small group from monopolizing access to powerful AI models for their own advantage.

Editors’ Recommendations for using ChatGPT effectively

Expert Tips for Optimizing ChatGPT Performance

To get the most out of your customized GPT chatbot, here are some expert tips to optimize its performance:

  1. Train with Diverse Data: When training your ChatGPT model, make sure to use a wide range of diverse and representative data. This will help the model understand different contexts and provide more accurate responses.
  2. Fine-Tune the Model: After initial training, fine-tuning is crucial to refine your chatbot’s responses. Use a smaller dataset that focuses on specific areas or topics related to your desired use case. Fine-tuning helps improve the chatbot’s understanding and generates more relevant answers.
  3. Experiment with Hyperparameters: Adjusting hyperparameters can significantly impact your ChatGPT model’s performance. Experiment with values like learning rate, batch size, and temperature to find the right balance between generating creative responses and maintaining coherence.
  4. Control Response Length: By setting a maximum response length, you can ensure that your chatbot doesn’t generate overly verbose or excessively short answers. This control allows you to strike a balance between providing comprehensive information and keeping interactions concise.
  5. Add Context Prompts: Including context prompts in conversations can help guide your customized GPT model towards more accurate responses. These prompts act as cues for the model to better understand user intent and generate relevant replies.

Best Practices for Training and Refining Chatbots

Here are some best practicesFine-tuning, and refining chatbots using ChatGPT:

  1. Iterative Feedback Loop: Continuously gather feedback from users interacting with your chatbot in real-world scenarios. This feedback loop allows you to identify areas where improvements are needed and make necessary adjustments accordingly.
  2. Human-in-the-Loop Review Process: Incorporate human reviewers who evaluate and rate the quality of responses generated by your chatbot.

Connecting ChatGPT to the Internet: Updated steps

To make the most out of ChatGPT, it’s crucial to enable internet connectivity. This allows the model to access information from the web and provide more accurate and up-to-date responses. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to connect ChatGPT to the internet, along with recent updates and troubleshooting tips.

Step-by-step guide on enabling internet connectivity for ChatGPT

  1. Accessing OpenAI API: To begin, you’ll need an OpenAI API key that grants you access to their services. If you don’t have one yet, visit OpenAI’s website and follow their instructions to obtain your API key.
  2. API Integration: Once you have your API key, integrate it into your application or platform where you’ll be using ChatGPT. This integration will establish a connection between your system and OpenAI’s servers.
  3. Configuring Internet Access: With the latest update, connecting ChatGPT to the internet has become easier than ever before. Simply set the chat.completion.share_feedback parameter to true when making an API call. This enables feedback prompts that allow users to provide ratings for model outputs while ensuring privacy.
  4. Feedback Loop: By providing feedback on model responses through these prompts, you contribute towards improving its performance over time. Your feedback helps refine and fine-tune ChatGPT’s capabilities in delivering high-quality responses.

Recent updates regarding internet access configuration

OpenAI has made significant updates in configuring internet access for ChatGPT, enhancing its abilities as a conversational AI tool:

  • Improved Responsiveness: With internet connectivity enabled, ChatGPT can now generate more contextually relevant answers by leveraging information available online.
  • Current Information Access: By tapping into the vast resources available on the web, ChatGPT can provide real-time data such as news updates, sports scores, weather forecasts, and more.
  • Enhanced Knowledge Base:

Unlocking Web Search with KeyMate.AI Search Plugin

AI Search Plugin. We’ll also walk you through the steps to activate this plugin in your custom GPT.

KeyMate.AI Search Plugin is an integration tool that allows you to unlock the power of web search within your chatbot. With this plugin, your bot can now fetch information from the internet and provide users with up-to-date and relevant answers to their queries.

Benefits of Incorporating Web Search Capabilities

By integrating web search capabilities into your chatbot, you open up a world of possibilities for enhancing user experience and making your bot more valuable. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Access to Real-Time Information: With web search integration, your chatbot can tap into the vast amount of information available on the internet. This means it can provide users with real-time data, news updates, and current trends.
  2. Enhanced User Engagement: By offering dynamic and informative responses sourced from the web, your chatbot becomes more engaging and interactive. Users will appreciate receiving accurate and timely information without having to leave the conversation.
  3. Increased Bot Utility: The ability to perform web searches expands the range of tasks your bot can handle. It can assist users with finding products, booking reservations, looking up recipes, or even providing recommendations based on online reviews.
  4. Improved Personalization: Web search integration allows your chatbot to gather personalized information about users’ preferences or interests by analyzing their search queries. This enables it to tailor responses and recommendations specifically for each user.

Steps to Activate KeyMate.AI Search Plugin

Activating KeyMate.AI Search Plugin in your custom GPT is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a Custom GPT Model: If you haven’t already, create your own custom GPT model using the OpenAI API.

Steps to activate ChatGPT

To create your own GPT with the new ChatGPT feature, follow these steps:

Detailed Instructions on Activating the ChatGPT Feature

  1. Log in to your OpenAI account and navigate to the OpenAI platform.
  2. Once you’re on the platform, locate the “Models” section and click on it.
  3. In the models list, find and select “ChatGPT” as your desired model for activation.

Navigating the OpenAI Platform to Enable ChatGPT

  1. After selecting ChatGPT, you will be directed to a page where you can configure its settings.
  2. Take a moment to review and adjust any specific options or parameters according to your requirements.
  3. Scroll down until you see the “Tokens per minute” field, which allows you to set a limit on how many tokens can be processed by ChatGPT per minute.
  4. Adjust this value based on your needs and preferences.

Troubleshooting Common Activation Issues

Sometimes, during the activation process of ChatGPT, users may encounter certain issues. Here are some common problems that arise along with their solutions:

Issue: Model Not Activating Properly

  • Solution: If you experience difficulties activating ChatGPT, try refreshing the page or logging out and then logging back in again.

Issue: Slow Loading Time

  • Solution: If you notice that ChatGPT is taking longer than usual to load or respond, check your internet connection speed. A slow connection can impact performance.

Issue: Error Messages

  • Solution: Should error messages appear while trying to activate or use ChatGPT, reach out to OpenAI’s support team for assistance.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be able to successfully activate the new ChatGPT feature within the OpenAI platform.

Remember that creating a unique and profitable GPT involves more than just activation. It requires careful consideration of the content and purpose of your GPT.


Congratulations on completing the journey of creating your own GPT chatbot with the new ChatGPT feature! By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you have gained valuable insights into making your GPT unique and profitable. Now it’s time to unleash your creativity and put your personalized AI assistant to work for you.

But don’t stop here! The future of AI is constantly evolving, and there are endless possibilities waiting to be explored. Consider exploring the App Store for AI, where you can discover new custom instructions and plugins to enhance your GPT even further. Don’t be afraid to experiment, iterate, and refine your creation as you go along. Remember, it’s like having a digital sidekick that grows with you.

So go ahead, activate ChatGPT, unlock web search capabilities with KeyMate.AI Search Plugin, and let your imagination run wild. Embrace the power of conversational AI and make it an invaluable tool in your arsenal. With dedication and innovation, sky’s the limit for what you can achieve. Get ready to revolutionize how you interact with technology — it’s time to create a GPT that truly reflects who you are!

Are you ready to take the next step in harnessing the potential of ChatGPT? Activate it now and embark on an exciting AI adventure!


How can I create my own GPT using the new ChatGPT feature?

Creating your own GPT with the new ChatGPT feature is easier than you might think! Just follow these simple steps:Sign in to your OpenAI account and navigate to the ChatGPT interface.

Click on the “Create” button to start a new project.

Choose a unique and catchy name for your GPT project that reflects its purpose.

Define the specific goals and objectives for your GPT, whether it’s for customer support, content creation, or something else entirely.

Begin training your GPT by providing it with relevant prompts, examples, and instructions.

Experiment with different training techniques and fine-tune your model until you’re satisfied with its performance.

Test your GPT thoroughly to ensure it meets your requirements and delivers accurate responses.

Remember, creating a successful GPT requires continuous learning and improvement. Don’t hesitate to iterate on your model based on user feedback and changing needs.

How can I make my GPT unique and profitable?

To make your GPT stand out from the crowd and generate profit, consider these effective tips:

  1. Nail down your target audience: Identify who will benefit most from interacting with your GPT — whether it’s professionals in a specific industry or enthusiasts of a particular niche.
  2. Inject personality into responses: Make sure your GPT has a distinct voice that resonates with users. Inject humor, empathy, or any other traits that align with your brand persona.
  3. Offer value-added features: Enhance user experience by integrating useful functionalities such as quick links to related resources or personalized recommendations.
  4. Optimize for search engines: Apply SEO techniques when crafting prompts and responses so that search engines can easily discover and rank your content.
  5. Monetize through partnerships: Collaborate with relevant businesses or individuals to offer sponsored content, affiliate marketing opportunities, or premium subscriptions.



Ammar Mukhtar

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